The last few weeks have been somewhat special in the fact we are able to move freely around our country, I’m able to do my long bike rides, we are able to attend concerts, sporting events etc.


Unfortunately, when I turn on the news and see what is happening in the UK, Italy, and the US, it then hits me that we are not out of the woods by any means.


And for this reason, I think luring talent away from organisations (especially if that talent is in permanent roles) will be very difficult (but not impossible).


I suspect many New Zealanders in permanent roles will go I’m known, I’m trusted, I’ve got some flexibility so I’m going to ride this out versus moving to new organisations.


I see 2021 being a steady year in the shuffling around of talent but I see 2022 being a massive year where there will be unforeseen movement of talent. Why? I’ve got no crystal ball but suspect in 2022...

  • Many borders will re-open which will allow Kiwi’s to do their OE, and will allow those wanting to move to NZ, to actually move to NZ.
  • The rollout and implementation of COVID-19 vaccinations to be underway or complete giving people and companies the option to move and expand.
  • Those that have been riding this out will want a change of scenery and increased wages.
  • As organisations mature and get used to a WFH or a remote work cadence talent will want to work for these types of companies.


To help lure talent into new roles, organisations will need to get their value proposition pitch succinct and coherent while giving talent the confidence that the organisation is secure and financially stable.


I suspect how organisations behaved during the 2020 lockdown may help or hinder them on attracting talent in 2021!


On the flip side (and we saw it happening in November & December 2020), the demand for known, proven contract resources will remain high in 2021.


The last week before Christmas was manic and by the look of things the demand for project-based talent has rolled into 2021.



Need help luring in top-tier talent to your organisation? Get in touch and task it to Taska.